

Monday, July 29, 2013

O Último Post

For my last post I decided to write in Portuguese because it's the language that I have been thinking in whenever I reflect on my year in Brazil.

Finalmente estou percebendo como o meu ano no Brasil me mudou.  Estou vendo como minha vida é diferente- como é melhor.  Um ano atrás, eu era muito estressada e nao aproveitava muito a vida.  Agora eu fico impressionada porque parece que todo dia estou feliz. Eu acho que é assim porque Brasil me deixou com tanta clareza na vida.   Eu tenho mais paz porque eu aprendi no Brasil que a vida nao tem que ser uma corrida.  Como eu gostaria se todo mundo aprendesse umas coisinhas da America do Sul!

Agora toda vez que minha irmã me pede para usar uma coisa minha, eu sempre falo "claro que sim" porque minhas famílias no Brasil me davam tudo que precisava e mais com tanta compaixão.  Eu admiro isso muito e tento dar as coisas como foram dadas pra mim.
E meus amigos queridos... como eu tenho que agredecer eles!!! Eles me mostravam a Annika verdadeira, a Annika mais confiante, a Annika mais libertada.  Eles me mostravam o que realmente é amizade.  Por isso, fico feliz.

Quando eu percebi que esse post será o último, fiquei muito triste.  Mesmo que nao usava muito durante o meu ano, esse blog significa uma época na minha vida que agora passou.  Saudades do Brasil, das minhas famílias, e dos meus amigos vao sempre ficar no meu coração.  Mas por causa dessas saudades, vou ficar percebendo como tenho sorte e como a vida é maravilhosa.  Eu tenho pessoas amadas no mundo inteiro!!

I'm finally realizing how my year in Brazil changed me.  I'm noticing how my life is different- how it's better.  A year ago, I was very stressed and I never really felt satisfied with my life.  Now I find myself impressed by how happy I feel all the time. I really think it's because Brazil gave me so much peace and clarity.  There I learned that life is not a race. Wouldn't it be great if everyone learned a little something from South America?

Now every time that my sister asks to use something of mine, I say, "Of course," because my Brazilian families always gave me everything that I needed and more with so much compassion.  That was something that I always admired them for.  Since I have returned I'm trying to pass on that wonderful Brazilian compassion just like how it was given to me.
And my amazing friends... how I have to thank them!!! They showed me the real Annika, the more confidant Annika, the more free Annika.  They showed me what friendship really is. For that I am so happy.

When I realized that this will be the last blog post, I postponed it as long as possible.  It was sad for me because even though I did not use my blog constantly throughout the year, this blog was a time in my life that has now passed.  I will always miss Brazil, my families, and my friends, but because of that feeling, I will have a constant reminder of how lucky I am and how great my life really is.  I have people that I love all over the world.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Agora Começa as Reflexões

Well when I think about how to express my reaction to making the 7 month mark, it's pretty difficult to describe.  Hopefully these baby faces will help explain my emotions a little bit better.

Sometimes, I'm shocked that time flew by so quickly.

Other times I just want to cry when I think about having to go back home.

A few times, I get a giddy feeling when I think about seeing old friends or family.

But the majority of the time, I think to myself, "Only 3 months left?! Nope, no one's taking me away from Brazil!"

It has been such a fast 7 months.  The days have been long, but each month seems to pass more quickly than the last.  With this passing of time, I have found myself reflecting more and more- which could very well also be the result of my continuous journaling.  Either way, I have begun to analyze how I have changed this year.

I don't mean how my hair has become much longer and is now slightly highlighted, how my wardrobe has become full of Brazilian clothes, how I can't keep from dancing when I hear Brazilian music, or even how my nails always seem to be painted (something that never intrigued me when I was in the states).  I'm talking about the non-physical, deeper internal changes that Rotary claims that you will go through during an exchange.  Those Rotarians, they're always right.

Since the day I stepped off the plane in Joao Pessoa, an inner peace has been growing within me.  I think a part of that sense of peace has to do with how my view of time has changed over these months.  Time used to be a guideline to my life, but now it plays such a small part of my daily schedule.  I have become able to be more true to my body. I listen to myself when I need more sleep, exercise, or food; when I need more time with friends, family, or to myself; when I need to laugh, cry, or just breathe.  I have created an internal peace by understanding myself internally.  It's only when I skype home do I remember the stressful, crazy United States lifestyle.  It reminds me of the stress-crazed girl that I used be- snapping so easily by the littlest problems.  Believe me, I haven't completely conquered this yet, but my stress level has gone down immensely, and my ability to handle stress has risen.  My life in Brazil is like a dream; no day has a full plan.  I am able to choose on a whim what I'd like to do for the majority of each day.  This is something that will be really hard to leave behind when I get back to Minnesota.  Now, the only role that "time" plays in my life is to restrict how long I have left here in this loving Brazilian country.

The other main way that I've changed is my attitude. Leaving the United States, I had a slightly pessimistic outlook about the state that our world was in, and that often reflected into how I acted.  When I would think about all the problems, I would become internally angry and wanted to blame others for others for these issues.  Strangely enough, this year I've gained even more knowledge about the world after spending time with people from all over the world, but my attitude has changed completely. I've become so much optimistic and overall happy.  I have begun to think of the ways that I could work to understand and fix problems instead of resorting to anger.

This aspect as well has contributed to how I act now.  Brazil has made my smile wider, my laugh fuller, and the happiness last longer.  I notice myself feeling happiness in the moment, not just when I'm looking back.  The Brazilian life has helped me to live in the present.  I really feel happy here.  The kisses that I receive in school from my friends, the laughs that I have with my sister, and the nights making inside jokes with the other exchange students- these things make me so grateful for my life here.

I'm in love with all of my friends and family here in Brazil- I even love school!  I thought that leaving home for a year would be the hardest part of exchange, but in all reality, it will be coming back home that will be so much more difficult.

...Can I just stay?? Eu te amo, Brasil.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Demorei demais...

Once again, I'm very behind with blogging, BUT this time I have an excuse.  Between traveling for about a month without internet and switching host families, it was hard to find time to write down- in a presentable fashion- all the experiences of the past months. On the bright side, I have LOTS of stuff to talk about!

Itatiba, Christmas, and New Years

For part of the months of December and January, I went with my host family to a small city called Itatiba in the state of Sao Paulo.  This is where my host parents grew up, and almost all of my host parents's brothers, sisters, neices, and nephews live there.  I really loved spending time in Itatiba because I feel like every time I travel to a new part of Brazil I gain a better understanding of the country and the culture.  Another great part about the trip was just spending time with family!  It's not as if I hadn't spent any time with my host family in Joao Pessoa, but it was so great to have a month of really getting to know each other better.  We spent every day together drinking coffee, playing cards (even the Anderson family game, Nuts!), spending time with the little nephews and neices, swimming in the pool, and going to the nearby mall.  I also got to know some of my cousins and my aunts and uncles.  I really felt like part of the family.  All this family time reminded me of going to the French Lake cabin with all the Hanson's and spending half of the summer playing in the water and catching toads in the bushes... It was a nice memory to dig up.

On Christmas Eve I found myself walking into a house filled with at least 70 people.  Disco lights danced across the yard, people were sitting around tables drinking and laughing, and the kids were chanting, "Santa, where are you! Santa, where are you!"  I was definitely overwhelmed.  Luckily for me, my host sister, Tati, grabbed my arm and said, "Come on, let's go introduce you to everyone!" So one-by-one, I was introduced to all 70 of my cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces- Brazilians have this way of making you feel comfortable so quickly.
After a couple hours of chatting with all of my new relatives, I heard the kids getting louder. "PAPAI NOEL, CADE VOCE?" And then the adults started to join in.  The lights dimmed, and out walked none other than Santa Claus... and then all hell broke loose.  As he picked up each present he yelled the name of the child.   The kids went crazy running to him, pushing each other to stand in front of him, and the parents crowded around as well in order to help their kids get their presents.  On top of that, each time that Santa pulled a new package from his bag, there were the crazy aunts and cousins that teasingly screamed things like, "I WANT PRESENTS!!!" or "SHE DOESN'T DESERVE IT!"  Once again I was overwhelmed, but this time I couldn't stop smiling.  This Christmas was nothing like I had ever experienced- it was so Brazilian.  So much love, so many people, so much craziness.
Once the kids were satisfied with their presents, everyone went onto the porch.  As my host mom and a few of her siblings held the hands of their mother, they talked about how blessed they were to have such a flourishing family with four generations and so many new kids.  Then something happened that I will not forget.  Everyone reached for the hands of others, and in some places there were groups of three hands- no one was left with a free hand.  As they said a prayer, I looked across the room at the web of hands, and I almost started to cry.  It was so beautiful to see the love of everyone together holding the hands of each other.  Family is a beautiful thing, isn't it?
But as quickly as this peaceful moment began, it ended.  Before I knew what was happening, I heard multiple shouts of, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" and the hundreds of kisses began.  Everyone made a point to wish each person a Merry Christmas and give them a kiss.  Two beautiful moments in the same hour.
Later that night I was in the kitchen with my cousin when I heard Gangnam Style booming from the porch- the dance party had begun.  I decided to be an exchange student and say "yes" to this opportunity.  Before I knew it, I was addicted to dancing.  I spent the rest of the night with my host sister, Tati, and many of my cousins dancing non-stop.  As I write about this now, I still smile.  Brazilians really are some of the best people around!

A few days later we found ourselves getting ready for another party.  New Years was going to be held at my host sister, Dafine's house- the house that we were staying at.  It was, once again, a completely different experience than New Years in the US.  For one, everyone dressed in white.  Here is a picture of my family with my parents, all three of my sisters, the spouses, and children.

I also found myself saying the rosary with my host family like a good little Catholic girl.  I finally have the Lord's Prayer memorized in Portuguese, so I was able to say that part when it came up.  Then later that night we had a nice dinner of turkey and lentils.  The turkey was delicious, just like all the other Brazilian meat, but lentils was the first food that I have tried in Brazil that I didn't like.
As we waited for the night, we pulled out the glitter masks and hats and danced to New Years concerts on tv.  When midnight came around we ran outside to watch all the fireworks, and then I convinced my host sister, Paula, and my cousin, Rafa, to jump into the pool with me.  All the adults thought that we were going to get sick because "the pool must be freezing."  I couldn't help laughing to myself a little bit because they were so concerned and in Minnesota no one would have said anything or worried even the slightest.

I loved the time I spent in Itatiba with my host family, and the holidays were ones that I will never forget.

New News

About a week ago I switched families.  Normally, this would be very hard for an exchange student because they miss their old family and have a hard time adjusting to their new family, but Rocco (another exchange student from the United States) and I were very lucky.  He went to my house, and I went to his.  We spent so much time together before the switch that we saw each other's families almost everyday, and continue to see them almost everyday still.  Because of this, we were already very used to each other's families and it was super easy to adapt.
One day, I was walking home from stopping by Rocco's house, and realized that I was grinning.  I was so happy.  Everyone was so close.  I live right down the street from Rocco and my old family, another exchange student now lives right under my balcony, I was living with my new family, and our other friend, Alberto lives just down another street.  We are so lucky.
This past week has been great.  There has hardly been any time to sit down at the computer and surf the web- which is always AWESOME.  Besides spending time with friends almost everyday, I have done some fun things with my family as well.
On Thursday I went with my host sister, Vanessa, to play a game called "Mafia" with all of my host cousins.  Though it was difficult to participate because it was a game based on argueing, I loved it! They all helped me to understand what was going on and were overall extremely welcoming.  I love having another set of cousins!  Then when Vanessa and I got home, we were a little hungry, so we got a snack and ended up talking for a long time.  Vanessa is studying to be a lawyer, so we talked about Brazil, some of the inequities, and a few systems that they have set up.  Well, and we talked about hair, nails, and other feminine things as well :)  But hearing about her point of view of many of the inequalities was something that I had missed because these were topics that I loved talking about with my friends from the states.  I felt so at home already after only four days!
 Then on Saturday, I went with my host mom, her boyfriend, Rocco, Alberto, Andre, and Lais to Recife for the day.  It was a great little trip! We first went to the new mall that is the biggest in the region- but it doesn't compete with the Mall Of America.  After that we went to a museum that had many artifacts and models of things from when the Portuguese first colonized Brazil.  Oh, and there were lots of naked statues to take pictures with!  After getting lost quite a bit, we finally arrived at the amusement park.  We had so much fun!  It ended up being a day of fun with my host mom, my friends, and the others.

Finally, I have saved the best part for last.  Last week, I received a package from home- my family has been trying since November 5th to get a package to me.  I was EXTREMELY excited.  Inside, I found a surprise: a letter, two pieces of art, and two pictures from my favorite two little girls, my next door neighbors, Averi and Taylor.  I got teary eyed as I saw these things inside.  Here is what the letter said:

"Merry Christmas Annika.  I miss you so much. Happy birthday.  I saw the cool, cool, cool picktures.  I hope you are haveing a fun time in brazil.  are you going to go to leo's graduation party? My 3erd grade teacher is Mrs. tempel.  This letter is for a great babysiter annika hanson :)

So, here is my response. Mom, you are in charge of making sure that they get this!

Averi and Taylor,
What sweethearts you are!!! I loved your art, pictures, and letter!  Did you know those are the FIRST two pieces of art that I've gotten all year?? I put them above my bed so that I can look at it every night.  Here's my picture with Averi's art:

I also put on of your picture on my desk next to the frame you gave me before I left and the other on my magnet board. Did you two go to Disney World?? I see that you are with Minnie Mouse in one of the pictures! How cool! 

I miss you girls so much! I think about you two all the time.  When I get back we will have to jump on the trampoline and go on walks around the ponds!!

Did you know that you two are some of the people that I miss the most from Northfield? Averi, I hope you're loving your new teacher, Mrs. Tempel! And Taylor, are you liking your first year of school??  I'm sending lots of love to my two favorite girls!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ I want to thank you two again for those things.  That was SO sweet of you guys to think of me. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!